A Tribute to My Only One: Letter Nº6

Ghazal Nessari Poortak
3 min readSep 1, 2020


Oh, where do I start with you?
I talk to you a lot but there are things I rarely tell you. I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t think you know where you’re heading and I guess that’s just something everyone is dealing with. I would’ve given you a bit of advice if I didn’t know you as well as I do. you change your mind so quickly, you never truly make a decision, you’re one big ball of impulsive actions.

you always wanted a story out of everything. how you did this and how that happened. I wonder if you like your own story now; your amazing childhood, finding your remarkable friends, your luck in having a family so fun and diverse, your parents love for traveling which gave you a perspective for life, your intellect, how you started to wear glasses when you were 6, your brave face after peeing yourself in first grade, your sense of hiding behind the curtains, your fear of leaving the door open at night, how you imagined babies were made when you were a kid, your trust in your mother that at times resulted in failure, how you met the people you still have nightmares about, how you walk when you’re stressed, the way you overthink everything, your first times and all that you know.

remember the milestones and all the things you wanted to happen to you and they did; remember the red lines and all the things you never wanted to happen to you but they did. how does it make you feel to know that you have experienced someone’s worst fear and someone else’s dream?

I did so much for you and I continue to do so, regardless of anything at all. all I ever do will never mean anything to me if I wouldn’t be able to make you happy and I pray to god or whatever you were brought up to believe in that I would be able to do so. you were given a purpose in the world. you should remind yourself that more. you should live that purpose.

your heart is full and I know that but I wanted you to take this to your heart too that for whatever problem you have now or will have in the future, it doesn’t change the nature of time and the hours you spend in remorse and sadness will, in fact, pass you by. you are so small and you don’t realize how ridiculously easy you could put everything behind you like you did many times before. there is so much to see. there is so much to feel and you have so much on your way.

listen to me and listen to me well, don’t sell your dignity the way you do. don’t ever settle. know when to walk out and spit in the faces who did you wrong. be courageously proud of whatever you are and don’t feed off others’ pity.
like every other story, there is a plot-twist. here’s yours and you can handle it.

take good care of me.

sincerely yours forever.

- Ghazal



Ghazal Nessari Poortak

Disparate things. Things of memory. Things of non-memory. Things that reside in me. Homeless things.